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Rediscovering Our "Why": A Night to Shine Experience

Today, I want to share a deeply personal experience with you, one that reminded me of the essence of why we do what we do as special educators. It's about rediscovering our "Why" amidst the challenges of our profession and finding renewal in moments of celebration and empowerment.

Recently, I had the privilege of volunteering at the Tim Tebow Foundation's Night to Shine event—a prom night for adults with special needs. The atmosphere was filled with love, acceptance, and sheer joy, serving as a poignant reminder of the profound impact we can have on our students' lives.

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As special education teachers, we often find ourselves immersed in the day-to-day responsibilities of creating individualized plans, implementing strategies, and providing support to our students. It's easy to get caught up in the paperwork, meetings, and routines, losing sight of the deeper purpose that drives our work—a commitment to empowering our students and ensuring their growth and success.

Night to Shine offered me a unique opportunity to step back and reconnect with this purpose. From walking down the red carpet with my buddy Vicki to dancing the night away with fellow volunteers and guests, the experience was nothing short of transformative. It reminded me of the immense potential and capacity for happiness within our students and reinforced the importance of creating environments where everyone feels valued and celebrated.

In sharing this experience with you, I hope to reignite your passion for special education and encourage you to reflect on your own "Why." As we navigate through our roles as special educators, let's continue to be champions for our students and advocates for positive change. Let's embrace opportunities to celebrate inclusion and empowerment, both inside and outside the classroom.

Thank you for your dedication to special education and for the impact you make in the lives of our students every day. Together, let's keep remembering our "Why" and striving to make a difference in the world.


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Prompting Hierarchy Posters for Special Education Classrooms


Mentioned in the show:

Get the Writing IEP Impact Statements GROWING BUNDLE! and become a rockstar at crafting the perfect impact statements for your students today! 

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