Sped Prep Academy Blog

How to Maintain Professionalism in Stressful Teaching Situations

 Confession: At times in my teaching career, I have felt like I’ve reached a breaking point. Raise your hand if you've ever felt like...

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How to Recharge During Summer Break: Tips for Special Education Teachers

Have you seen that new viral video, “Welcome to Maycemeber”, from the Holderness Family? Parents lament the overwhelming craziness of...

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5 Strategies to Overcome End-of-Year Fatigue

Ah, April. Spring has sprung, but for many special education teachers, it's a season of exhaustion. Testing, behavior bumps, loosened discipline,...

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How to Maximize Paraprofessional Support

 Unsung heroes in the bustling world of special education, paraprofessionals pour their hearts and souls into supporting students and teachers...

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7 State Testing Strategies to Support Your Students

This time of year, the energy level in a classroom seems to spring to life. The excitement of outdoor recess and the anticipation for summer make...

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Surviving IEP Season: 9 Tips for Sanity and Success

Oh, Spring! That fabulous time of year when the flowers decide to show off and the sun finally remembers we exist... But for you, my superhero...

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How To Spruce Up Your IEP Meeting Space

Has anyone ever calculated just HOW much time a special educator spends in a conference room?

Let's see...approximately 25 students a year,...

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Level Up Your IEP Impact Statements

As a special educator, you understand the significance of crafting individualized IEPs. You develop PLAAFP statements that are specific to the...

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5 Strategies to Work as a Team with Paraprofessionals

It's no secret that working with paraprofessionals can be complex and it's often one of the most challenging aspects of being a special...

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Use a Paraprofessional Interest Survey to Get to Know Your Paraprofessionals

 Have you ever wondered…what in the world would I do without my paraprofessionals? Actually, you have probably experienced not having...

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