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Ep #25: 5 Myths of Leadership: Overcoming What's Holding You Back From Becoming the Leader Your Staff Needs

Today’s show is based on a quote I came across while reading a book on leadership. It’s from Ralph Waldo Emerson and it states… “The attitude of the leader determines the attitude of the pack.” As a special education teacher I lead a pack....or a team as I prefer to call it. In fact I’ve lead a team for 26 years and I can honestly share with you that I sucked at it for a while.  A long while actually. And because I struggled with it for so long, I had created myths about leadership itself. 

"The attitude of the leader determines the attitude of the pack" -Ralph Waldo Emerson

There is a lot of advice out there for how to be an effective leader. Unfortunately, some of that helps spread unrealistic ideas of how a leader should behave. So in order to build a team you can be proud of you’re going to have to let go of any myths you have about leadership, which is exactly what I had to do to become the leader my staff needed me to be.

By learning more about my leadership style and course correcting these myths, I have embraced many leadership roles both within my department and within my school and district and I’ve seen success. I’ve changed my attitude about leadership and focus solely on the team aspect. I’m not perfect by any means, but it’s important to me that the staff I lead sees me as fair, approachable and human but I also want them to know that the decisions I make are to the benefit of all of us. 

Listen in to see if you have any of the same myths.






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