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How Scaffolding Supports ALL Learners

Teaching without scaffolding is like climbing a ladder with missing steps. And for most of our students, the gap between the bottom rung and the top rung is both overwhelming and scary. 

This week, Lily Cornielle-Cordero from Teach Empowered joins us to unravel the mystery of scaffolding instruction. Listen in to learn how to make learning accessible for all.

"Once a student feels successful at doing something, they can replicate it, and that is when we know they have learned the process."

With an impressive 19-year career in education, Lily has dedicated herself to making a positive impact in the lives of students. She currently serves as the English Language Learner, Equity, and Student Support Specialist in Connecticut, and she brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table.

Lily's journey in education has been guided by her passion for language and learning. Holding certifications in World Language (Spanish), Special Education K-12, and Administration, she has been instrumental in promoting full inclusion and culturally responsive teaching practices. By equipping educators with the tools and strategies necessary for success, Lily ensures that all students have equitable access to a quality education.

Throughout this episode, we'll delve into Lily's insights and practical tips on how to best scaffold instruction for all students. Her expertise and dedication can be heard as she shares her experiences to empower fellow educators to create inclusive and supportive learning environments.

Scaffolding is a classroom teaching technique in which instructors deliver lessons in distinct segments, providing less and less support as students master new concepts or material.

Listen in as we discuss:

  • What scaffolding means
  • The difference between scaffolding and differentiation
  • Why scaffolding is important for our learners important
  • The benefits and the process
  • Examples of how it works
  • Challenges teachers will face when trying to scaffold their instruction

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